Computational Genomics Kubernetes Installation: Difference between revisions

From UCSC Genomics Institute Computing Infrastructure Information

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==Running Pods and Jobs with Requests and Limits==
==Running Pods and Jobs with Requests and Limits==

When running jobs and pods on kubernetes, you will always want to specify "requests" and "limits" on resources, otherwise your pods will get stuck with the default limits which are tiny (to protect against runaway pods).  You should always have an idea of how much resources will be consumed by your jobs, and not use much more than that, in order not to hog all the resources.  It also prevents your jib from "running away" unexpectedly and chewing up more resources than expected.
When running jobs and pods on kubernetes, you will always want to specify "requests" and "limits" on resources, otherwise your pods will get stuck with the default limits which are tiny (to protect against runaway pods).  You should always have an idea of how much resources will be consumed by your jobs, and not use much more than that, in order not to hog all the resources.  It also prevents your job from "running away" unexpectedly and chewing up more resources than expected.

Here is a good example of a job file that specifies limits:
Here is a good example of a job file that specifies limits:
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         args: ['for i in {1..100}; do echo "$i: $(date)"; i=$((i+1)); sleep 1; done']
         args: ['for i in {1..100}; do echo "$i: $(date)"; i=$((i+1)); sleep 1; done']
       restartPolicy: Never
       restartPolicy: Never
      priorityClassName: medium-priority

Please note that the "request" and "limit" item fields should be the same.  You would think that you could set the limit higher than the request, but in reality they need to match in order for the pod to stay within the kubernetes resource limit bubble.  If you set the limit higher than the request, then you are risking the pod using more memory than the scheduler expects, and the node can start killing off random other colocated pods by way of OOM, which is very, very bad for the cluster.
Please note that the "request" and "limit" item fields should be the same.  You would think that you could set the limit higher than the request, but in reality they need to match in order for the pod to stay within the kubernetes resource limit bubble.  If you set the limit higher than the request, then you are risking the pod using more memory than the scheduler expects, and the node can start killing off random other colocated pods by way of OOM, which is very, very bad for the cluster.
Also note the "priorityClassName" line.  Available values are:
That affects how quickly your jobs move up the queue in the event there are a lot of queued jobs.  Always use "medium-priority" as the default unless you specifically know you need it higher or lower.  Higher priority jobs will always go in front of lower priority jobs.

'''NOTE:''' Jobs and pods that have '''completed''' over 72 hours ago but have not been cleaned up will be automatically removed by the garbage collector.  Most jobs will have the "ttlSecondsAfterFinished" configuration item in them, so they will automatically cleaned up after that time expires, but leaving the old pods and jobs around pins the disk space they were using while they remain, so it's good to get rid of them as soon as they are done unless you are debugging a failure or something like that.
'''NOTE:''' Jobs and pods that have '''completed''' over 72 hours ago but have not been cleaned up will be automatically removed by the garbage collector.  Most jobs will have the "ttlSecondsAfterFinished" configuration item in them, so they will automatically cleaned up after that time expires, but leaving the old pods and jobs around pins the disk space they were using while they remain, so it's good to get rid of them as soon as they are done unless you are debugging a failure or something like that.

Revision as of 22:34, 5 February 2020

The Computational Genomics Group has a Kubernetes Cluster running on several large instances in AWS. The current cluster makeup includes three worker nodes, each with the following specs:

* 96 CPU cores (3.1 GHz)
* 384 GB RAM
* 3.3 TB Local NVMe Flash Storage
* 25 Gb/s Network Interface 

Getting Authorized to Connect

If you require access to this kubernetes cluster, contact Benedict Paten asking for permission to use it, then pass on that permission via email to:

Let us know which group you are with and we can authorize you to use the cluster in the correct namespace.

Authenticating to Kubernetes

We will authorize (authz) you to use the cluster on the server side, but you will also need to authenticate (authn) using your '' email address and a unique Java Web token. These credentials are installed in ~/.kube/config in whatever machine you are coming from to get to the cluster.

To authenticate and get your base kubernetes configuration, go to this URL (below), which will ask you to authenticate to Google. Use your '' email address as the login. It will then ask you to authenticate via CruzID Gold if your web browser doesn't already have the authentication token cached:

Once you authenticate (via username/password and 2-factor auth for CruzID Gold), it will pass you back to the '' website and it should confirm authentication on the top with a message saying "Successfully Authenticated". If you see any errors in red, but are sure you typed in your password and 2-factor auth correctly, click on the above link again ( and authenticate a second time, which should work. There is a quirk where the web token doesn't always pass back to us correctly on the first try.

Upon success, you will be able to click the blue "Download Config File" button, which contains your initial kubernetes config file. Copy this file to your home directory as ~/.kube/config. Follow the directions on the web page to insert your "namespace:" line as directed. We will let you know which namespace to use.

Testing Connectivity

Once your ~/.kube/config file is set up correctly, you should be able to connect to the cluster. All our shared servers here at the Genomics Institute have the 'kubectl' command installed on them, but if you are coming from somewhere else, just make sure the "kubectl" utility is installed on that machine.

A quick test should go as follows:

$ kubectl get nodes
k1.kube       Ready    <none>   13h   v1.15.3
k2.kube       Ready    <none>   13h   v1.15.3
k3.kube       Ready    <none>   13h   v1.15.3
master.kube   Ready    master   13h   v1.15.3

Running Pods and Jobs with Requests and Limits

When running jobs and pods on kubernetes, you will always want to specify "requests" and "limits" on resources, otherwise your pods will get stuck with the default limits which are tiny (to protect against runaway pods). You should always have an idea of how much resources will be consumed by your jobs, and not use much more than that, in order not to hog all the resources. It also prevents your job from "running away" unexpectedly and chewing up more resources than expected.

Here is a good example of a job file that specifies limits:


apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: $USER-$TS
  backoffLimit: 0
  ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 30
      - name: magic
        image: robcurrie/ubuntu
        imagePullPolicy: Always
            cpu: "1"
            memory: "2G"
            ephemeral-storage: "2G"
            cpu: "1"
            memory: "2G"
            ephemeral-storage: "3G"
        command: ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
        args: ['for i in {1..100}; do echo "$i: $(date)"; i=$((i+1)); sleep 1; done']
      restartPolicy: Never
      priorityClassName: medium-priority

Please note that the "request" and "limit" item fields should be the same. You would think that you could set the limit higher than the request, but in reality they need to match in order for the pod to stay within the kubernetes resource limit bubble. If you set the limit higher than the request, then you are risking the pod using more memory than the scheduler expects, and the node can start killing off random other colocated pods by way of OOM, which is very, very bad for the cluster.

Also note the "priorityClassName" line. Available values are:


That affects how quickly your jobs move up the queue in the event there are a lot of queued jobs. Always use "medium-priority" as the default unless you specifically know you need it higher or lower. Higher priority jobs will always go in front of lower priority jobs.

NOTE: Jobs and pods that have completed over 72 hours ago but have not been cleaned up will be automatically removed by the garbage collector. Most jobs will have the "ttlSecondsAfterFinished" configuration item in them, so they will automatically cleaned up after that time expires, but leaving the old pods and jobs around pins the disk space they were using while they remain, so it's good to get rid of them as soon as they are done unless you are debugging a failure or something like that.

Jobs that run over 72 hours will not be deleted, only the ones that have exited over 72 hours ago.

A lot of other good information can be viewed on Rob Currie's github page, which includes examples and some "How To" documentation:

View the Cluster's Current Activity

One quick way to check the cluster's utilization is to do:

kubectl top nodes

NAME          CPU(cores)   CPU%   MEMORY(bytes)   MEMORY%
k1.kube       1815m        1%     1191Mi          0%        
k2.kube       51837m       53%    46507Mi         12%       
k3.kube       1458m        1%     61270Mi         15%       
master.kube   111m         5%     1024Mi          46%

That means the worker nodes, k1, k2 and k3, are using minimal memory, k2 is using 52% CPU but lots of room still open for new jobs. Ignore the master node as that one only handles cluster management and doesn't run jobs or pods for users.

Another good way to get a lot of details about the current state of the cluster is through the Kubernetes Dashboard:

Select the "token" login method, and paste in this (long) token:


The dashboard is read-only, so you won't be able to edit anything, it's mostly for seeing what's going on and where.

You can also take a look at current resource consumption by taking a look at our Ganglia Cluster monitor tool:

That website requires a username and password:

username: genecats
password: KiloKluster

That's mostly for keeping the scrip kiddies and bots from banging on it.

Once you get in, you should see a drop-down menu near the top left of the screen near "Genomics Institute Grid". From the drop-down menu, select "CG Kubernetes Cluster". It will take you to a page detailing the current resource usage and activity on the nodes. This can be useful for see if anyone else is using the whole cluster, or just to get an idea of how many resources are available for your batch of jobs to assign to the cluster.