Requirements for dbGaP Access

From UCSC Genomics Institute Computing Infrastructure Information

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If you need NIH dbGaP access, there are several requirements to gaining access - please complete all these requirements BEFORE requesting dbGaP credentials. NOTE: If you already have GI VPN access to the GI "Prism" Environment, then you have already completed the requirements detailed below - let Rochelle know and we can quickly move to getting you set up.

Please use this checklist to make sure that you have completed all three requirements.

 1. Your PI's info and your PI's approval
 2. NIH Public Security Refresher Course Certificate
 3. Signed NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy Agreement

1: You are required to ask your PI or sponsor to email Rochelle Fuller ( requesting dbGaP access for you - this email should include:

 Your name
 Your PI's name
 PI's approval for this access

2: You must take the NIH Public Security Refresher Course online, then print out the Completion Certificate (which should have your name on it) at the end of the training and deliver it to Rochelle Fuller. You must complete the course in a single continuous sitting in order to be able to print the certificate at the end:

Click on the "2018 Information Security, Counterintelligence, Privacy Awareness, Records Management Refresher" link to begin the course. At the end you will be able to print out the completion certificate that should have your name on it.

3: Please print, read and sign the last page of the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy agreement, located here for download. Just staple the pages together. Please bring the signed document to your appointment. By signing the document you agree that you have read and understand the policies described therein and that you agree to abide by those policies:


We will correspond with you via email on when the appointment will be - correspond with Rochelle about getting everything set up! (