AWS Account List and Numbers

From UCSC Genomics Institute Computing Infrastructure Information

Revision as of 18:14, 19 October 2021 by Weiler (talk | contribs)

This is a list of our currently available AWS accounts and their account numbers:

ucsc-bd2k                : 862902209576
ucsc-toil-dev            : 318423852362
ucsc-vg-dev              : 781907127277
ucsc-platform-dev        : 719818754276
comparative-genomics-dev : 162786355865
nanopore-dev             : 270442831226
ucsc-cgp-production      : 097093801910
platform-hca-dev         : 122796619775
anvil-dev                : 608666466534
gi-gateway               : 652235167018
pangenomics              : 422448306679
braingeneers             : 443872533066
ucsctreehouse            : 238605363322
ucsc-bisti-dev           : 851631505710
dockstore-dev            : 635220370222
ucsc-spatial             : 541180793903
platform-hca-prod        : 542754589326
miga-lab                 : 156518225147