Slurm Queues (Partitions) and Resource Management
From UCSC Genomics Institute Computing Infrastructure Information
Due to heterogeneous workloads and different batch requirements, we have implemented partitions in slurm, which are similar to queues.
Each partition has different default and maximum walltime limits (aka "runtime" limits). You will need to select a partition to launch your jobs in based on what kind of jobs they are and how long they are expected to run.
Partition Name | Default Walltime Limit | Maximum Walltime Limit | Default Partition? | Job Priority | Maximum Nodes Utilized |
short | 10 minutes | 1 hour | Yes | Normal | All |
medium | 1 hour | 12 hours | No | Normal | 15 |
long | 12 hours | 7 days | No | Normal | 10 |
high_priority | 10 minutes | 7 days | No | High | All |
gpu | 10 minutes | 7 days | No | Normal | 6 |