Quick Reference Guide

From UCSC Genomics Institute Computing Infrastructure Information

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Job scheduling commands

Commands Function Basic Usage Example
sbatch submit a slurm job sbatch [script] $ sbatch job.sub
scancel delete slurm batch job scancel [job_id] $ scancel 123456
scontrol hold hold slurm batch jobs scontrol hold [job_id] $ scontrol hold 123456
scontrol release release hold on slurm batch jobs scontrol release [job_id] $ scontrol release 123456

Job management commands

Job Status Commands sinfo -a list all queues squeue list all jobs squeue -u userid list jobs for userid squeue -t R list running jobs smap show jobs, partitions and nodes in a graphical network topology Job script basics

A typical job script will look like this:

  1. !/bin/bash
  2. SBATCH --nodes=1
  3. SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
  4. SBATCH --time=02:00:00
  5. SBATCH --mem=128G
  6. SBATCH --mail-user=netid@gmail.com
  7. SBATCH --mail-type=begin
  8. SBATCH --mail-type=end
  9. SBATCH --error=JobName.%J.err
  10. SBATCH --output=JobName.%J.out


module load modulename


Lines starting with #SBATCH are for SLURM resource manager to request resources for HPC. Some important options are as follows:

--nodes #SBATCH --nodes=1 Number of nodes --cpus-per-task #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16 Number of CPUs per node --time #SBATCH --time=HH:MM:SS Total time requested for your job --output #SBATCH -output filename STDOUT to a file --error #SBATCH --error filename STDERR to a file --mail-user #SBATCH --mail-user user@domain.edu Email address to send notifications Interactive session To start a interactive session execute the following: 1 2 3
  1. this command will give 1 Node for a time of 4 hours
srun -N 1 -t 4:00:00 --pty /bin/bash Getting information on past jobs You can use slurm database to see how much memory your previous jobs used, e.g. the following command will report requested memory and used residential and virtual memory for job 1 2 sacct -j <JOBID> --format JobID,Partition,Submit,Start,End,NodeList%40,ReqMem,MaxRSS,MaxRSSNode,MaxRSSTask,MaxVMSize,ExitCode Aliases that provide useful information parsed from the SLURM commands Place these alias’ into your .bashrc 1 2 alias si="sinfo -o \"%20P %5D %14F %8z %10m %10d %11l %16f %N\"" alias sq="squeue -o \"%8i %12j %4t %10u %20q %20a %10g %20P %10Q %5D %11l %11L %R\""
Caption: Batch File
Option Examples Description