Firewalled Environment Storage Overview
Our servers mount two types of shared storage; home directories and group storage directories. These home directories will mount over the network to all shared compute servers and the phoenix cluster, so any server you login to will have these filesystems available:
Filesystem Specifications
Filesystem |
/private/home | /private/groups |
Default Soft Quota | 30 GB | 15 TB |
Default Hard Quota | 31 GB | 15 TB |
Total Capacity | 19 TB | 800 TB |
Access Speed | Very Fast (NVMe Flash Media) | Very Fast (NVMe Flash Media) |
Intended Use | This space should be used for login scripts, small bits of code or software repos, etc. No large data should be stored here. | This space should be used for large computational/shared data, large software installations and the like. |
Home Directories (/private/home/username)
Your home directory will be located as "/private/home/username" and has a 30GB soft quota and a 31GB hard quota. Your home directory is meant for small scripts and login data, or a git repo. Please do not try to store large data there or computer on large jobs using data in your home directory.
Groups Directories (/private/groups/groupname)
The group storage directories are created per PI, and each group directory has a default 15TB hard quota. For example, if David Haussler is the PI that you report to directly, then the directory would exist as /private/groups/hausslerlab. Request access to that group directory and you will then be able to write to it. Each of those group directories are shared by the lab it belongs to, so you must be wary of everyone's data usage and share the 15TB available per group accordingly.
On the compute servers you can check your group's current quota usage by using the 'getfattr' command. You can only check the quota of a group you are part of (you would be a member of the UNIX group of the same name). If you wanted to check the quota usage of /private/groups/hausslerlab for example, you would do:
$ getfattr -n ceph.dir.rbytes /private/groups/hausslerlab getfattr: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names # file: private/groups/hausslerlab ceph.dir.rbytes="6522955553147"
That number is in bytes. So divide by 1,000,000,000,000 and you get '6.522 TB'. That is how much data is currently being used.
To check the max quota limit, use this command:
$ getfattr -n ceph.quota.max_bytes /private/groups/hausslerlab getfattr: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names # file: private/groups/hausslerlab ceph.quota.max_bytes="15000000000000"
And 15000000000000 divided by 1,000,000,000,000 is 15 TB.
Storage Quota Alerting
If you and/or folks in your lab would like an automated alert when the /private/groups/labname quota is getting to a certain percentage of fullness, we can set that up for you and others in your lab. Just email with the following information:
1: Which directory you would like to watch quotas on (i.e. /private/groups/somelab) 2: What % full you would like an email alert at 3: What email addresses you want on the alert list
After setup, our alerting system will alert folks on that email list every 4 hours until the quota in question is reduced to an amount under the alerting % threshold you asked for. So it is a bit noisy, but will force folks to delete data in order to stop the alerts. When the system notices that the quota usage has decreased to under the alert threshold, you will receive one final email with an "OK" notification that things are OK now.
/data/scratch Space on the Servers
Each server will generally have a local /data/scratch filesystem that you can use to store temporary files. BE ADVISED that /data/scratch is not backed up, and the data there could disappear in the event of a disk failure or anything else. Do not store important data there. If it is important, it should be moved somewhere else very soon after creation.
/private/groups is backed up weekly on Friday nights (which usually takes several days to complete). Please note that the following directories in the tree WILL NOT be backed up:
tmp/ temp/ TMP/ TEMP/ cache/ .cache/ scratch/ *.tmp/
So if you have data that you know isn't important and should be excluded from the backups, put them in a directory suffixed with ".tmp". Such as this example: